“Kami: The Evolution of Japan’s Native Gods”

MULTILINGUAL article by Hashizume Daisaburo. Overview of Japan’s religious beliefs throughout its history. Link is for English version, but it’s also available in the original Japanese and in several other languages.

What a Typical Tokyo Neighbourhood Is Like

If you like looking at architecture and communities, see what it might be like to live in Tokyo. The host of this fun video also has “What Rich Neighbourhoods in Tokyo Are Like.”


This is a great site for all things Japan. Religion, Travel, Living, Language, and more!

Embassy of Japan

Visa information.

Japanese Online

Japanese language lessons plus free language and culture guides.

Kanji Kana

Free lists and tools to explore and learn hiragana, katakana, and kanji. 

How to Use Chopsticks

A missionary kid from Japan teaches you how to use chopsticks.

Origami Club

A really great origami how-to site with some instructions that are even animated.

Japanese language funny

Visual proof of why you can’t translate Japanese until you have the whole sentence.